Tuesday 26 April 2016

                              Assignment-1 (Biology)
                              Chapter- Life processes                            class-10

Answer the following questions:
1.     What are life processes?
2.     What is the universal source of energy for all living organisms?
3.     What kind of reactions takes place in biochemical processes?
4.     What is nutrition? Write its importance.
5.     What are the stored forms of food in plants and animals?
6.     Write down the 3 steps of photosynthesis. What is the role of co2 in photosynthesis?
7.     How do stomata open and close? Write the structural features of guard cells which help in closing and opening of stomata.
8.     Name 4 elements that are absorbed by plants from soil.
9.     Name any 2 parasitic plants.
10.   Where is food digested in Amoeba?
11.   Write down the various changes that take place during digestion in following organs:-
i)                   Mouth cavity     ii)    Duodenum    iii)    stomach 
12.   What are peristaltic movements? Where do they take place?
13.   Why do different animals have different lengths of small intestine?
14.   Explain that small intestine is the most suitable organ for the process of absorption.
15.   Name 2 steps of cellular respiration and write the site where they take place.
16.   Differentiate between Alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
17.   What happens to energy which is released during oxidation of glucose?
18.   Why do aquatic organisms have faster breathing rate as compared to terrestrial organisms?
19.   What happens to inhaled air inside the Nasal cavity?
20.   What is residual volume? Write its importance.
21.   What is the need for respiratory pigment in multicellular organisms?

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